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Music and Students

By Kelly Lee '25

Music is now present in most, if not all our lives. Some simply listen, while others participate in “making” music. We play music, sing along to lyrics, generate melodies, use technology and sound effects, and so much more.

These melodies are present in large events, where often music is utilized as a uniting factor among generations and generations of people. Simply remembering the same piece of music or the same song can be a strong connection – songs and pieces live for centuries, unlike many other forms of media that spark for a moment, then disappear into history.

As a student musician myself, I have seen and believe in the positive impacts of music. It can be easily seen that most, if not all students that are involved in the performing arts is united with one another, especially with those in corresponding music sectors such as band or orchestra. Practice sessions are not only for enhancing our playing, but also for socializing and sharing our own thoughts, experiences, and passion about playing for ourselves, and playing for others. Through simply being high schoolers that are involved in the same music- related activity, there are bonds created all across our campus.

The positive impact of music is not only believed in, but also scientifically proven. Immense amounts of research analyze the impacts of music on students and methods of education – music training is shown to boost IQ, focus, and persistence, further improving one’s cognitive function and academic performance. Increasing productivity and decreasing stress, music is critical to students’ lives as stress levels increase alongside grade levels. I believe that for myself personally as well, music is often one of the breathing holes that I reach when I attempt to calm down or relieve stress and concern.

Overall, there are so many opportunities for students both on and off our campus, and even around the world, to participate in or at least listen to various types of music. I encourage you to use these opportunities to the fullest, thus maximizing the positive impact that music has in life!

Senior Editor: Sophia Gong '26

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